The Power of Habit

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit”

- Aristotle

The Power of Habit in the Subconscious

40 - 45 % of every single one of our actions is actually a habit.

From the side of the bed we sleep on to the amount of procrastination… Yes, we make our own choices — but almost half of those choices are in the subconscious realm.

Unraveling the mystery behind habits is a key initiative into unlocking a life towards peak productivity. So, let's dive into the 3 components of a habit and revolutionize the way you approach success.

  1.  Cue (the Trigger): The cue is what kickstarts the habit. It's the moment that prompts your brain to engage in a particular behavior.

  2. Routine (the Behavior Itself): This is the action you take in response to the cue.

  3. Reward (the Motivation): Your brain seeks rewards. The reward reinforces the habit loop and makes your brain remember it.

The Key to Changing Your Habits

Keep in mind; All habits, even the bad ones, exist because they provide some sort of reward.

Here’s a common example many people relate to. Procrastination:

If you feel anxious about a project and you are a bit scared it may not turn out okay. When you procrastinate, you get a reward much faster. You tell your brain your don’t have to worry about that project for another 5 minutes and check facebook or instagram instead. You can ‘escape’ the tension that this project creates.

A fast reward is in many ways more powerful than a slow, bigger reward.

Contrary to a common misconception, the true transformation of habits doesn't hinge on tweaking the routine itself. Instead, the real magic lies in acknowledging the powerful cue that initiates the habit and the reward – even if it's as tiny as a spark – that we offer ourselves upon its completion.

Why? Because in these subtle cues and modest rewards, we discover the key to unlocking the habit loop's code. By shining a light on these fundamental elements, you gain the authority to not just alter, but fundamentally reshape the core of the habit loop itself.

It's like knowing the secret combination to a vault. You hold the reins to your habits, enabling you to rewrite the script to your advantage. So, the next time you seek to transform a habit, remember: it's in understanding the trigger and savoring the prize that you wield the true power to change.

The Assignment

For this week, I ask you all to write down 3 habits you’d like to change, no matter how small.

Within each of those 3 habits, make sure you include:

  • Your cue

  • Your reward

  • Why you want to change the habit

I will be doing the same and I will include my results at the bottom of next week’s email!

Reply to me with a 👍️if you’ll be participating in this assignment and if comfortable, don’t be afraid to send me your progress during the week!

Next week, we’ll dive into The Science of Productivity and how our habits tie into achieving top tier efficiency

- The Perspective


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