Confidence Revolution: Why Your Actions Speak Louder

Do not to claim a certain persona without having the receipts, so to speak. Confidence, isn’t just feeling; it's a truth you construct through your deeds.

“Confidence without evidence is delusion. You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Give yourself so much goddamn proof that you are the version of yourself you want to be, and you'll become them. Outwork your self doubt.”

- Alex Hormozi

The Evidence you Need

Alright, let's dive straight into Alex Hormozi's quote here. He's pretty vocal about rejecting the whole "believe in yourself, and you can accomplish anything" mantra.

According to him, it's not about blind faith in your abilities; it's about building a case for why you're good at what you do.

So, the key is taking action. Your confidence should be grounded in the tangible results of your efforts. Don't just blindly trust that you can do anything – prove it through your actions.

Here's the kicker: don't fall into the trap of being overly confident without evidence to back it up. Do not to claim a certain persona without having the receipts, so to speak. Confidence, isn’t just feeling; it's a truth you construct through your deeds.

It's not about wishful thinking; it's about doing things that provide concrete evidence of your capabilities.

How to Acquire Evidence (Where to Start)

  1. Confront Your Fears Head-On

  2. Embrace Discomfort

  3. Take Action and Keep Promises

  4. Celebrate Small Wins

  5. Reflect for Prideful Progress

Start with you. Dive headfirst into those things that make your stomach turn. True confidence isn't found in the cozy corners that make you feel good; that's a deceptive comfort.

It's about stepping into the realm of discomfort, facing those fears that would otherwise hold you back.

Confidence doesn't blossom in the comfort zone; it thrives in the discomfort zone. So, embrace the challenges and confront the uncertainties.

No more breaking promises to yourself. The key is action, taking the reins and making things happen. If you commit to waking up at 7 am, consider it a victory when that alarm rings. Small wins like these lay the foundation. 

You’re stacking up your evidence to yourself. 

Reflect on the past week. Ask yourself what actions you could have taken to feel genuinely proud of who you are.

It's about setting tangible, achievable goals and acknowledging those victories – big or small – that contribute to your sense of accomplishment.

Remember, real confidence isn't just a byproduct of success; it's forged in the crucible of facing your fears and honoring the promises you make to yourself.

So, go out there, tackle the uncomfortable, and let your actions be the building blocks of your unshakeable, undeniable truth in confidence.

The Assignment

For this week, I encourage each of you to reflect on the past week. Ask yourself which actions you could have taken to genuinely feel proud of yourself. Write down these thoughts and commit to taking those actions.

Challenge yourself to implement at least one of these actions this week. Whether it's a small step or a significant leap, every move brings you closer to a more empowered version of yourself.

Always aim to make your future self proud with the deliberate choices you make today.

- The Perspective


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